Machine Tending

Our machine tending robotic systems load, unload, or handle parts. Whether it's tending to injection mold machines or CNC machines, we specialize in crafting customized automated solutions.

Our machine tending systems offer advanced features, including part recognition and quality inspection through vision systems, automated tool changes, and seamless integration with existing manufacturing equipment to optimize the entire production process.

Machine Tending System

This robotic pick-and-place system utilizes Fanuc 2D Vision to pick tape dispenser blades from a Graco G-Flex 1500 directional vibratory feeder. First, the Fanuc LR Mate 200iD robot loads the blades onto nests then sends a signal to trigger the Fanuc R1000iA robot to transfer these blades to the injection mold machine. If a part misloads into the nest, part detection sensors prompt the robot to remove the misplaced blade using a custom cylinder with a powerful magnet. The system has significantly improved cycle time, reduced blade misloads in the injection mold machine, boosted throughput, and minimized downtime.


Sealant and Adhesive Dispense

